In the morning some of the team headed to Beauty Point Resort to help run the monthly chapel service. True to its name, it was a large, beautiful retirement village and one of our team members has already enquired about being put on the waiting list.
There are two ladies from the church who live there and see the place as their mission field. It was such an encouragement hearing how invested they are in reaching out to their neighbours, running Bible studies and Christianity Explored courses, and regularly inviting residents to church.
Ming gave a clear gospel talk on Jesus healing the paralysed man and urged the residents to recognise our biggest problem is our need for forgiveness. We enjoyed lunch afterwards shouted by the owner of the resort who is a Christian and was very excited to have Moore College students there.
In the evening half of us helped with leading a youth group while the other half put on a BBQ for youth group parents. Angus called on the youth to humble themselves or be humbled as he preached on the parable of the Pharisee and tax collector. Over at the park, some of our talented musicians offered live music while others milled around chatting to parents.
Praise God for the conversations we had over this day. Pray that the Spirit will be at work in the retirees, the youth, and the parents. Pray that many might come along on Sunday.
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